Born in 1977 in Zawiercie (PL)
Lives and works in Brussels (BE)

After studying at Villa Arson in Nice (FR), Tatiana Wolska received the “Grand Prix du Salon de Montrouge” and exhibited in solo at Palais de Tokyo. Since then, she has been invited by numerous French and Belgian institutions and developed a multidisciplinary practice characterized by organic growth and proliferating shapes. An economy of means and simplicity of the gesture are the foundation of her sculptural work. Her slow and painstaking practice sublimates the simplicity of the materials—recycled waste materials, always—in order to bring out their poetry.
In the last few years, with installations at Frac Corse in Corte (FR), Villa Empain in Brussels (BE) or Frac Centre-Val de Loire in Orléans (FR), Tatiana Wolska has expended her reflection process towards makeshift shelters and nomadic dwellings.
A solo-show is currently dedicated to her at the Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham (EN) and she is also part of the group exhibition «Rebel Garden», on the occasion of the Brugge Triënnale (BE) and of ARBOS, the outdoors sculpture exhibition in Tilburg (NL).


The essence of Tatiana Wolska playing with sculpture is recycling. She hardly ever buy things. And if she does – these are just elements indispensable for construction. Tatiana Wolska just plays with blocks. And the blocks she plays with might be plastic water bottles – thousands of which are used every day… Pieces of wood – industrial waste disposed of by companies… Old, used and worn-out mattresses.
There are so many objects around. They surround her on all sides driving her to distraction and confusing to such an extent that she totally lost interest in quest of different material, no matter how sophisticated and luring they might be.
Tatiana Wolska is a “junk” collector. She watches her collection without any concept or plan. Being deprived of imagination she starts to join those elements, bind them together – out of sheer curiosity. Sometimes the structure formed in this way grows powerful, becomes beyond her, overawes her… She likes it when those structures become strong and independent. They become themselves.
In fact there are plenty of things she could say – like how fascinated is she by the borderline between fine art and applied art – but what is simply the most important thing for her is everyone’s individual contact with works.





  • Interview of Tatiana Wolska given on the occasion of her solo show Leisure as Resistance at the Midlands Art Center in Birmingham (UK), 2024 (FR) (EN)


  • Ellen Mara De Wachter, “Tatiana Wolska: The London Modules”, 2021 (EN)
  • Marianne Derrien, “Habitat potentiel pour une artiste”, 2018 (EN) (FR)
  • Bernard Marcelis, “Principle of uncertainty”, 2018 (EN) (FR)
  • Agata Araszkiewicz, “Metramorphoses of Tatiana Wolska”, 2018 (EN)

Selected press:

"Tatiana Wolska - Meta-morphosis | MAKING-OF", Irène Laub Gallery, 2022
"Tatiana Wolska | ARTIST IN FOCUS", Irène Laub Gallery, 2020
"Interview Tatiana Wolska", Palais de Tokyo, 2014


FRAC Corse (FR)

Collection BIC, Paris (FR)

Château de Chamarande – Département de l’Essonne (FR)

Musée d’Ixelles (BE)

Fondation Galila Barzilaï (BE)

Fondation Boghossian – Villa Empain, Brussels (BE)



Drawing Lab, Paris (FR)


Tatiana Wolska: Leisure as Resistance, Middlands Art Center, Birmingham (UK)


Point, Wolubilis art center, Brussels (BE)

Meta-morphosis, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)


Les variations du possible, Domaine de Chamarande, Essonne (FR)

Chrysalides, l’étrangère and Austin/Desmond Fine Art, London (UK)


Principe d’Incertitude, Les Tanneries, Amily (FR)

Femme, Bibliothèque communale de Saint-Josse-ten-Noode, Brussels (BE)


Transgression, Guest Pascal Pinaud, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)

Matrice, Galerie Miejska Arsenal, Poznan (PL)

Habitat Potentiel pour une Artiste, Galerie de la Marine, Nice (FR)

Etude… Une semaine et une main, Atelier d’Estienne, Pont-Scorff (FR)

Liaison, Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence (FR)


La saga, Galerie Double V, Marseille (FR)

The Poetry of Detritus, l’étrangère, London (UK)


Nowhere Beyond, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)

Garden Party 2016, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens garden (BE)


Mutacje, Galerie Claudine Papillon, Paris (FR)

Work in progress, Irène Laub Gallery (FEIZI), Brussels (BE)

Hors les Murs, Hôtel de Sully, Paris (FR)


Les modules, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR)


Contre-temps, Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint- Paul-de-Vence (FR)


Glissement, Le Dojo, Nice (FR)


Tatiana Wolska – Exposition individuelle, Galerie Wpolnota Polska, Cracovie (PL)



Rebel Garden, Musea Brugge / Bruges Triennal (BE)

ARBOS, Lustwarande, Tilburg (NL)


Les Heures Sauvages – Nef des Marges dans l’ombre des certitudes, Centre Wallonie Bruxelles, Paris (FR)

L’art de rien, Centrale for Contemporary Art, Brussels (BE)

Sculpture en île, Île Nancy, Andrésy (FR)

Ecologies intimes, Irène Laub gallery, Brussels (BE)


A Waking Dream, l’étrangère and HS Projects, London (UK)

I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe, FRAC Corsica, Corti (FR)


Sculpture in the City, London (UK)

Nuages, cur. Claire Leblanc, La Maison des Arts de Schaerbeek, Brussels (BE)

Matter of fact, Galerie Duchamp, Yvetot (FR)

Autobiographies de Santiana Wolcoq, Galerie Duchamp, Yvetot (FR)

Biennale P(ART)cours,Wolubilis art center, Brussels (BE)


Topothesia, Jardin des Plantes, Rouen (FR)

recyclage/surcyclage, Fondation Villa Datris, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (FR)

« Toutes les lignes droites sont courbes », cur. Yolande De Bontridder and Jennifer Plasman, Villa Carpentier, Ronse (BE)


2nd Biennale d’Architecture d’Orléans, Frac Centre-Val de Loire, Orléans (FR)

L’Art Chemin Faisant… Paysages de Formes, Centre d’art L’Atelier d’Estienne, Pont-Scorff (FR)

Tell me more about you, Ateliers Mommen, Brussels (BE)

Achrome, Irène Laub Gallery, Bruxelles (BE)

1st Rabat Biennale of Contemporary Art, Musée Mohammed VI, Rabat (MA)


PRESENT, Musée et Jardins Van Buuren, Uccle (BE)

La Collection BIC, CentQuatre, Paris (FR)

Melancholia, Fondation Boghossian – Villa Empain, Brussels (BE)

Politics of Discontent, cur. Jonathan Sullam, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)


Poésie Abstraite partie II, Ma Galerie, Paris (FR)

In Natura, Association Artais, DOC, Paris (FR)

Poetry of detritus, Galerie L’étrangère, London (GB)

Nous n’aurons de cesse d’explorer, Double-V Gallery, Marseille (FR)

Construire, Déconstruire, Delta Studio, Roubaix (FR)

Something (Un)conscious, cur. François de Coninck, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)


Impressions d’ateliers, Château-Musée Grimaldi, Cagnes-sur-Mer (FR)

(Un) Renoncé, Galerie Art Bastion, Miami (US)

Tribew Saison 1, Tribew, Paris (FR)

The Collection, Irène Laub Gallery (FEIZI), Brussels (BE)

Nomadisme , FRAC Corse, Corti (FR)

Le clou, FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)

198920072016, Galerie Papillon, Paris (FR)


Les soixante ans du Salon de Montrouge, Palais de Tokyo, Paris (FR)

Le clou, MUCEM, Marseille (FR)

Lady Made, Espace le carré, Lille (FR)

Gaz Station – part II, Gagliardi Art System, Turin (IT)

Petits Formats, Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence (FR)

GEODESIS, l’impossibilité tracé, Galerie Odile Ouizeman, Paris (FR)


J’écris donc je suis, Le Garage, Brive (FR)

Wish you were here, Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence (FR)


Duo Conjecture, Galerie in extenso, Clermont-Ferrand (FR)

Entrée libre mais non obligatoire, Villa Arson, Nice (FR)


Moi et les Autres, Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence (FR)

Sunshine & precipitation / De la pluie & du beau temps 2 , Catalyste Arts, Belfast (IE)


Auto-Station, La Station, Nice (FR)

Que sera, sera … , Centre d’art Neuchâtel, Suisse (CH)

Ratio Natura Poesis, MDAC L’Art contemporain et la Côte d’Azur, Cagnes-sur-Mer (FR )

PAGÈS Viallat Wolska , Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence (FR)

Exposition collective, Piegigriggio, Corse (FR)


Nitrospective, Piedigriggio, Corse (FR)

Replikantki 2, Centre d’art contemporain, BWA, Katowice (PL)


Bas’art, Fréjus (FR)

Moi et les Autres III, Galerie Catherine Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence (FR)


Ex-Voto, Piedigriggio, Corse (FR)

Monographie, Galerie Wpolnota, Cracovie (PL)


Génération 2007, Galerie de la Marine, Nice (FR)

Dernière station avant l’autoroute, Museav, Nice (FR)

L’art c’est renversant, Galerie Lafayette, Nice (FR)



Drawing Now Art Prize, Carreau du Temple, Paris (FR)


‘Grand Prix’, Salon d’Art contemporain de Montrouge, Montrouge (FR)


Prize ‘Jeune talent de la sculpture’, Collectivité Territoriale de Corse, Corse (FR)



Atelier d’Estienne – Centre d’Art Contemporain de Pont-Scorff (FR)


Suggestion de temps #2, Site Saint-Sauveur, Rocheservière (FR)