Born in 1980 in Alcalá de Henares (ES)
Lives and work in Madrid (ES)


Guillermo Mora cultivates a unique visual vocabulary, creating an abstract mode of communication focused on three concepts: overlapping, concealment and disappearance in painting. His striking compositions construct environments through which the artist questions protocols and procedures of contemporary painting. Mora says about his work: “One of my main interests is to position painting on the border with other disciplines. Borders are the places where languages mix, where differences dissipate, the place where different things bond. Borders generate questions, and this is precisely the idea of ​​painting that I pursue.”
Through his practice, he plays with the traditional boundaries of painting as an artistic discipline, enhencing its material qualities and giving it a sculptural dimension. Aside from that ever-present aspect, Mora’s work often holds a veiled autobiographic dimension, where he reflects upon people that crossed his path and left a lasting imprint on his life.

Guillermo Mora received a BFA from the Complutense University of Madrid and the School of Art Institute of Chicago, and completed his PhD thanks to a grant from La Caixa Foundation. The artist was featured in 100 Painters of Tomorrow by Thames & Hudson, wasawarded the Audemars Piguet Award in 2013, and received a fellowship from the Spanish Academy in Rome in 2010–2011, as well as a scholarship at the International Studio & Curatorial Program (ISCP) in New York in 2016.
His work is part of the Margulies Collection (US), the Museum Voorlinden (NL), the Elgiz Museum (TR), the Fondazione Benetton (IT), the Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (ES), and the Caja Madrid Foundation (ES), among others.





  • “Miquel Mont y Guillermo Mora, “Horizontal”, La Fragua de Tabacalera-Madrid”, Luis Francisco Pérez, 2019 (ES)
  • “Interrupting, Removing, Coming Forward: The Depths Come Out by Guillermo Mora”, Humberto Moro, 2017 (EN)
  • “Circular Desk, with No Beginning and No End”, Martí Manen, 2016 (EN)
  • “Guillermo Mora”, David Barro, in 2014 / Before leaving. 40 ideas about painting, 2013 (EN)
  • “Now More Is Less”, Isabel Tejeda Martín, 2013 (EN)
  • “Mutable fragments”, Luisa Fuentes Guaza, 2011 (EN)
  • “No fixed form”, Teresa Macrì, 2011 (EN)
  • “Brief essays for a major disaster (…or some notes on how Guillermo Mora executes a Process Painting on the Fall)”, Omar-Pascual Castillo, 2009 (EN)
  • “An apology for debris – A conversation with Guillermo Mora”, Susana Blas, 2009 (EN)

Selected press:

Guillermo Mora | ARTIST IN FOCUS by Irène Laub Gallery
"GUILLERMO MORA", Oral Memories, 2016
"Caniche Editorial n°3 - OBRAS COMPLETAS por Guillermo Mora", Architectural Digest España, 2016


The Margulies Collection at The Warehouse, Miami (US)

Joan Flasch Artists Book Collection, Chicago (US)

MoMA’s Artist Book Archive, New York (US)

Franklyn Furnace Artist Book Collection, New York (US)

Caldic Collection, Museum Voorlinden, The Netherlands (NL)

Royal Talens SA, Apeldoorn (NL)

Elgiz Museum, Sariyer (TR)

Fondazione Benetton, Treviso (IT)

Spanish Academy, Rome (IT)

Colegio de España, Paris (FR)

Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid (ES)

Alcalá de Henares City Council, Madrid (ES)

Ankaria Foundation, Madrid (ES)

Caja Madrid Foundation, Madrid (ES)

CCA Andratx, Mallorca (ES)

Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida (ES)

Cervezas Alhambra, Granada (ES)

Circa XX Collection – Pilar Citoler, Madrid (ES)

DKV, Madrid (ES)

Explum Collection, Madrid (ES)

Fundación Canaria para el desarrollo de la pintura, Las Palmas (ES)

Los Bragales Collection, Madrid (ES)

National library of Spain, Madrid (ES)

Olor Visual Collection, Madrid (ES)

Rafael Botí Foundation, Cordoba (ES)

Ministry of International Affairs, Madrid (ES)

Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Madrid (ES)

Parlamento de La Rioja, La Rioja (ES)

Talavera de la Reina City Council, Toledo (ES)

Yera Collection, Madrid (ES)

Fundación Unicaja de Artes Plásticas (ES)



Back and Forth, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)


Sí pero no, Centre Pompidou Málaga (ES)

Despintando rojo, Museo Ruso, Málaga (ES)

Camino de Vuelta, Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz, Madrid (ES)


A bridge to stay on, Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid (ES)


Resumen, Palau de Casavells, Girona (ES)

A day with you, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)


Horizontal, cur. Virginia Torrente, La Fragua, Tabacalera, Madrid (ES)


Now, Soon, Then, Tomorrow, cur. Humberto Moro, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah (US)


Los fondos remontan, Moisés Pérez de Albéniz Gallery, Madrid (ES)


El escritorio circular (The round desk), Guillermo Mora & Teresa Solar, Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida (ES)


Cae el cielo, ECCO, Espacio de Creación Contemporánea, Cádiz (ES)


El ojo toca. Miquel Mont y Guillermo Mora, Formato Comodo Gallery, Madrid (ES)

Never rarely often always, cur. Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta, Zona Base, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca (ES)

El año que no crecí, Formato Comodo Gallery, Madrid (ES)


No A Trio A, cur. Luisa Fuentes Guaza, Guillermo Mora and Pia Camil, La Casa Encendida, Madrid (ES).


Viaje largo con un extraño. CASA TRIÂNGULO Gallery, Sao Paulo (BR)

Quizás mañana haya desaparecido, cur. Teresa Macrì, Extraspazio Gallery, Rome (IT)

Dos episodios y un estadio, cur. Pablo, Lag LAB, Injuve, Murcia (ES)


Una pregunta diaria, Formato Comodo Gallery, Madrid (ES)


De un soplo, Casa de la Entrevista, Alcalá de Henares (ES)

Un paseo entre el dibujo, la pintura y un más allá, cur. Virginia Torrente, Centro de Arte Joven de la Comunidad de Madrid (ES)



I am the bridge between what is and what could be. What I am?, Elgiz museum, Istanbul (TR)

Todas las Ítacas, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Rafael Botí, Córdoba (ES)


La guerra del tiempo. Proyecto de obras, tercer estado, Centro Párraga, Murcia (ES)

INVERSION INTENTION, Spanish Embassy, Brussels (BE)

Bitácoras: Colección Fundación Casa Wabi, Museum of Contemporary Art of Queretaro (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Querétaro MACQ), Santiago de Querétaro

ATLAS. Coordenadas e Identidades en la Colección Mariano Yera, cur. Nacho Ruiz and Carolina Parra, Palacio de San Esteban, Murcia (ES)

Myths and Dreams in the Elgiz Collection, Arkas Art Center, Izmir (TR)

Una historia del arte reciente (1960-2020) II, Museu Fundación Juan March, Palma (ES)

MYTHS and DREAMS in the Elgiz Collection, Arkas Art Center, Izmir (TR)

PREMIO CERVEZAS ALHAMBRA DE ARTE EMERGENTE, cur.Alicia Ventura at Palacio de Carlos V, Granada (SP)


Studiolo, Lázaro Galdino Museum, Madrid (ES)

CA2M – Dialect, CA2M – Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo, Madrid (ES)

The intimate consciousness of time, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)

Una historia del arte reciente (1960-2020), MACE Fundación Juan March, Cuenca (ES)

Vis a siV, Pas une Orange, Madrid (ES)

Pintura. Renovación permanente, cur. Mariano Navarro , Museo Patio Herreriano, Valladolid (ES)

Sin por setenta, Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz, Spain (ES)

Slowly a smell at the back of your look, cur. Pedro Torres, Sala Muncunill, Terrassa, Barcelona (ES)

XIV Fundación Unicaja Visual Arts Award, Centro Cultural Fundación Unicaja, Málaga (ES)


Elementum, cur. Jackie Herbst, CCA Andratx, Mallorca (ES)

El Resto, cur. Marina Alonso, Pau Cassany, Sofía Enríquez, Dailey Fernández and Inés Hornero, Museo Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona (ES)


Playtime, La Vitrine, Limoges (FR)

Extended Spaces, cur. Sergio Fazenda Rodrigues, Irène Laub Gallery, Brussels (BE)

Garganta, Esqina, Lisboa (PT)

Gresite, Madrid (ES)

La pintura. Un reto permanente. La Caixa Collection, cur. Nimfa Bisbe, Madrid (ES)

Contemplaciones, cur. Rosa Ulpiano, Set Espai d’Art, Valencia (ES)

Crear / sin / prisa, Tabacalera, Madrid (ES)

I am you, Elena Bajo & Guillermo Mora, Open Studio, Madrid (ES)

Cabinet Bauhaus, Vitra, Madrid (ES)

IX Bienal de Artes Plásticas Rafael Botí, Córdoba (ES)


The Object of Painting, Palácio das Artes, Porto (PT)

Querer parecer noche, CA2M, cur. Carlos Fernández-Pello and Beatriz Alonso, Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, Móstoles, Madrid (ES)

Artesantander, Galería Moisés Pérez de Albéniz, Santander (ES)

Proteo, Cur. Tiago de Abreu, Tasman Projects, Madrid (ES)

Lenguajes contemporáneos en la escultura de la Colección DKV, Capilla de la Beneficencia, Logroño (ES)

Con_Secuencias, Cur. David Barro & Alicia Ventura, Colección DKV, Fundación DIDAC, Fundación Eugenio Granell, Iglesia de la USC, Santiago de Compostela (ES)

La palabra pintada, Artist Books in Spain, Las Francesas, Valladolid (ES)


Coracha, Malaga (ES)

Library of Love, Cur. Sandra Cinto, Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio (US)

SP-ARTE, Casa Triangulo Gallery, São Paulo (BR)

Escenas: acción y representación, Los Bragales Collection, La

PAINTING IS DEAD, Long Live Painting, CCA Andratx, Mallorca (ES)


Rehabitar el espacio: presente, pasado y futuro, Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid (ES)

Forjando el espacio, DKV Collection, MUPAM, Málaga (ES)


Trio Bienal, cur. by Marcus de Lontra Costa, Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Add Subtract Divide, cur. by SCAN, Copperfield Gallery (GB)

Hacia la geometría desde la abstracción, DKV Collection, Sala Vimcorsa, Cordoba (ES)

Trazos sensibles, Museo Salvador Victoria, Teruel (ES)

Construyendo una colección, cuR. by Alicia Ventura, Colección DKV, Castillo de San Romualdo, San Fernando, Cádiz (ES)

Made in Spain, CAC, Málaga (ES)

Ciutat de Palma Award “Antoni Gelabert d’Arts Visuals”, Casal Solleric, Palma de Mallorca (ES)

9 Biennal Leandre Cristòfol, Centre d’Art La Panera, Lérida (ES)


100 Painters of Tomorrow, London (GB)

Fresh, CCA Andratx, Mallorca (ES)

Spain and the Elgiz Collection, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul (TU)

BIACI. Bienal Internacional de Arte de Cartagena de Indias, cur. Berta Sichel, Colombia (CO)

Casa Triangulo no Pivò, Pivò, Copan Building, São Paulo (BR)

Ocho cuestiones espacialmente extraordinarias, Tabacalera, Cur. by Virginia Torrente, Madrid (ES)

Trace 14, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul (TU)


2014 / Before leaving. Ideas about painting, cur. David Barro, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural Fenosa MAC, A Coruña (ES)

LIMBER: spatial painting practices, cur. Jost Münster & Cherry Smith, Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury & Grandes Galleries de L’Erba, Rouen (FR)

Elgiz 13, Elgiz Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul (TU)


Andratx on paper, cur. Patricia Asbaek, CCA Andratx, Mallorca (ES)

ON PAINTING [prácticas pictóricas actuales… más allá de la Pintura o más acá], cur. Omar-Pascual Castillo, CAAM, Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria y CEART, Fuenlabrada (ES)

GENERACIÓN 2013, Proyectos de Arte Caja Madrid, cur. Ignacio Cabrero, La Casa Encendida, Madrid (ES)


Ensayos autónomos, cur. Bruno Leitão, OTR espacio de arte, Madrid (ES)

Noestudio, cur. Tiago de Abreu pintoNoestudio, Madrid (ES)

Hacer el fracaso, cur. Daniel CerrejónInéditos 2012, La Casa Encendida, Madrid (ES)

Lejos de Casa, cur. Virginia Torrente, MasArt Gallery, Barcelona (ES)


El Ranchito, Site-specific project, cur. Luisa Fuentes, Guaza Matadero, Madrid (ES)

Nomadismi, Royal Spanish Academy, Rome (IT)


XII International Award for Young Artists, Luís Adelantado Gallery, Valencia (ES)

47º International Award of visual arts, Pollença, Mallorca (ES)

Explum 2010, International Contemporary Art Award, Puerto Lumbreras (ES)

Periféricos, Sala Puertanueva, Diputación de Córdoba (ES)


XX CIRCUITOS, cur. Javier Díaz Guardiola, Comunidad de Madrid (ES)

Yo no tengo razón, MFA Thesis, Offlimits, Madrid (ES)

Un nuevo comienzo, Sala Puertanueva, Diputación de Córdoba (ES)



Acquisition prize XIV edición del Certamen Fundación Unicaja de Artes Plásticas, Malaga (ES)


Acquisition prize XXIII Premio de Artes Plásticas Sala El Brocense, Cáceres (ES)


Acquisition prize IX Bienal de Artes Plásticas Rafael Botí, Cordoba (ES)

Grant for the Creation in Visual Arts, Comunidad de Madrid (ES)


Finalist II Prize Cervezas Alhambra for Emerging Art, ARCO 2018 (ES)


Comunidad de Madrid Award, Estampa 2017 (ES)

First Prize “Ankaria Artist Book Award”, Ankaria Foundation, Marid (ES)

Acquisition prize 10º Parlamento de La Rioja Painting Award, Logroño (ES)


Encontro de artistas novos Cidade da Cultura de Galicia en Argentina, Córdoba (AR)

Mobility Program for the Internationalization of the Spanish Culture, AC/E, ISCP, New York (US)


“Emerging Painter Award”, Painting Award Pepe Estévez, Jerez de la Frontera (ES)

Grant of Visual Arts at the Spanish College in Paris, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Paris (FR)


II Audemars Piguet Award, ARCO’14, Madrid (ES)

“Artista revelación 2013” Award, RAC Prizes, IAJ (ES)


GENERACIÓN 2013 Award, Caja Madrid Art Projects, Madrid (ES)


Acquisition-Prize X Visual Arts Award CEC, Cádiz (ES)


First Prize XXXVIII Painting Award “Ciudad de Alcalá”, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid (ES)



Esqina, Lisbon (PT)

CCA Andratx, Mallorca (ES)


Casa Wabi – Fundación Casa Wabi, Puerto Escondido (MX)



Spanish College in Paris (FR)


CCA Andratx, Mallorca (ES)

2010 - 2011

Spanish Academy in Rome (IT)