In Sole Ambulare

Group show
The Merode, Brussels (BE)

Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir


L’Étranger by Camus is the first book that Gudny Rosa Ingimarsdottir ever read in French. Born in Iceland, she came to Belgium at the end of her studies and since then has lived divided between three languages, Icelandic, English and French, using the last two very well, but without mastering them perfectly. She draws a parallel between the feeling of alienation and language discrepancies, highlighting spelling mistakes or untranslatable words – Icelandic is full of concepts linked to emptiness, immensity and solitude that are impossible to translate directly. Her work is based on memory, the invisible, the ‘almost nothing’ and the fragility of all things. Over the years, she has collected fragments of various papers and other materials, in the same way as one would treasure memories, before assembling them. Shapes and phrases travel through her work, coming back again and again, each one leaving its mark on Gudny Rosa’s mysterious, silent compositions.



Opening Wednesday 24.04, 5pm – 9pm
Exhibition until Friday 20.12

Le Merode
Place Poelaert 6
1000 Brussels (BE)


Read more about Guðný Rósa Ingimarsdóttir