‘allo ‘allo

Group show
Barbé Urbain gallery, Gent (BE)

Roeland Tweelinckx


In their duo-exposition at Barbé Urbain, Just Quist (Rotterdam, 1965) and Roeland Tweelinckx (Kontich, 1971) engage in a double play: paintings morph into sculptures, sculptures turn out to be part trompe l’oeil, and functional objects that appear to be part of the gallery space turn out to be parts of a sculptural installation.

Through an ingenious deployment of shaped canvasses, basso-relievo’s and alternative painterly and sculptural materials, Just Quist’s artistic practice not only pushes the pictorial possibilities of painting beyond itself; it engages in an endured reflection on the force of images in a post-digital society by way of painting.

Taking his cue from everyday functional objects and vernacular objects retrieved from thrift stores, Roeland Tweelinckx’s sculptural installations engage in a masterly play of simulacra and replication that undoes these objects from their former function.

Contorting the shape and subverting the former features of these everyday objects, Tweelinckx enables the viewer to rediscover the magic of the everyday, something that is usually taken at face value.

In their first exhibition together, Quist and Tweelinckx join forces to redouble the impact of their individual aesthetic vision: in ‘allo ‘allo, a selection of new and existing works seduces the viewer to look at a world saturated by images and geared toward functionality.

– Bram Seven


Read more about Roeland Tweelinckx and about the exhibtion